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MOG presents its new production management platform at NAB

Get the full landscape of your production environment MOG Technologies, a leading provider of MXF and centralized ingest solutions, today announced the launching of a new platform at the NAB Show.


Get the full landscape of your production environment

MOG Technologies, a leading provider of MXF and centralized ingest solutions, today announced the launching of a new platform at NAB Show. With SKYWATCH, MOG will be breaking all workflow boundaries by providing a tailored solution that will leverage production management efficiency.

The SKYWATCH is an enterprise platform that allows the supervision, control, and management of the complete production workflow. It is a solution, tailored to the customer environment that provides to media users and managers the tool they need to get the statistics on productivity, availability, and efficiency of production resources helping them on investment decision making.

SKYWATCH will shape the specific production environment, controlling the whole ingest process and monitoring every third-party system or application that is part of the user workflow. The MOG SKYWATCH wraps all operations in one single web-based interface, unifying the production process. It can operate a completely integrated set of production modules and manage multiple ingest points simultaneously. With this solution, the customer gains the ability to manage a lot of information at once, with no geographic boundaries.

“With SKYWATCH, MOG wants to approach every user that is struggling to manage complex multivendor production systems”, says Miguel Sampaio, CEO at MOG Technologies. “Our know-how and experience allow us to deliver a unified interface that is able to control and monitor not only the ingest processes but every activity, application or third-party system within the production environment”.

With a “building blocks” approach the platform provides valuable analytics to predict future investments and help customer’s decision-making process. Join us at NAB – booth SL 9324 – to see how you can customize SKYWATCH to your production environment, overcoming most of your daily challenges.



Joana Santos

Posted on 2016-04-11


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