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Compliant Delivery Systems
Produce and deliver content to any streaming service Compliant Delivery Systems for Netflix, AppleTV, HBO, and more with the increasing need to distribute to multiple platforms.
Produce and deliver content to any streaming service
Compliant Delivery Systems for Netflix, AppleTV, HBO, and more
With the increasing need to distribute to multiple platforms, so grows the need to unify production ecosystems and support a multitude of formats:
- JPEG2000 / IMF for Netflix;
- Apple ProRes / MOV for AppleTV, HBO GO/MAX, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video;
- MPEG2 for AppleTV, HBO GO/MAX, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
MOG’s Media Production Catalog counts with MAM4PRO, mxfSPEEDRAIL, and mDECK, all fit to produce and deliver high-quality content to your desired streaming platform.